Friday, February 25, 2005

Hungry Hungry Hippo

Originally uploaded by insomniajwf.
Well I'm going to try something a little different this time around try to keep things simple. Not that I ever really had anything too interesting on the geocities sites.

So we're here to try to keep those who are bored and want to know what up with yours truly, posted on my life. So here goes...

Well for starter I ate all sorts of shit tonight as exciting as that is, but hey at least it explains the photo right?

As for how things are going in my life I have to say that they have been the greatest days ever for the most part. I'm almost done with this quarter of school, I have a great girlfriend, the greatest in fact. Not to mention some of the best friends. They know what's up. Last thing is that I have less hours at work because they cut them. That seems bad to you I know but after working so much you get kinda burnt out doing both school and work so its nice to have a break once and awhile.

I see that Mikey seems to be at it again. Now I'm not intervening or anything but I'm just curious to know why is this how you go about things, by attacking the people you care about. I think deep down you love Rob and you just don't want to admit it. But seriously think about what your doing man. Is this really how you want to handle things?

Well I think I'm out for now. See ya'll!


At 2:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its good to see Brian on the net once again. I really enjoyed the hungry, hungry hippos picture...that one takes me back in time...

At 2:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian bout time we read about you again. And i have a shorter link for you just use The_Marshallplan instead of Themarshallplan187


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