Friday, February 25, 2005

Post 2 For This Long Night

Paper Mario 1000 Year Door
Originally uploaded by insomniajwf.
I am up ridiculously late, for me that is. It might have to do with the massive amounts of energy items I consumed. Earlier I tried one of those new Full Throttle drinks by Coca-Cola way to fruity for my standards of energy drinks. Then right after that I had a Pepsi Vanilla the greatest pop invented.

Enough about pop though. So Dan and I traded games recently, he gave me Paper Mario: The 1000 Year Door which for some odd reason I got the German cover of the game for my picture. I gave Dan Resident Evil 4 which I recently beat and have to say is the best damn game I have played in awhile. It's no longer your scary/horror game. This is now a kickin Action/Adventure game! If you haven't tried it yet I suggest you do. Anyway I had planned on playing Paper Mario tonight but never got to it because I got addicted to the Internet. Oh well, I will have the better part of the day tomorrow to play because my baby will be in Lincoln getting her Prom dress. I am looking highly forward for one last Prom!

So I have been figuring out how to change the sidebar, I finally did and have added a few things. I will add more intriguing stuff later.

I shall end on this note though, Katie what song do you have playing in the background of you site. I really like it, so you need to tell me. NOW! J/k! Seriously though tell me!


At 12:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you talking about me when you day "Katie what song do you have playing in the background of you site"?


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