Sunday, February 27, 2005

Crazy Nights

Two Girls Kissing
Originally uploaded by insomniajwf.
There is meaning behind the photo but most likely you're not cool and don't get it. It's okay though, be happy.

So last night Rob, Lydia, Dan, Stew, Amanda and I all partied over at Stew and Dan's house. It was quite the blast. Rob and I are ReDICKerROUS to the max though. There is no doubt in my mind about that. I would have to say that was the most fun party that I have been to in awhile though. We lost Dan's parakeet at one point in time and we were searching all over the freaking place for it! It took us forever to find him, then Amanda spotted him hanging on the phone cord. LoL, I don't think that bird knew what hit him. So in foosball news Rob and I did something that isn't done very much, we beat Dan and Stew at it. Granted they kicked our ass the next game but hey we had one good game in there.

Well this week is finals at school and then I get a week off from school, then its right back to work there. We would have had two weeks off but damn snow ruined that! Bastard snow! I can't wait to move somewhere that is warmer. I have a no patience tolerance for cold weather.

I also plan to get my wisdom teeth removed the week off of school so that should be fun. I also plan to finally make up my resume and start the search for that career job.

Ok well I'm going to add a couple friend sites on then I better go study a bit. Oh I also added A Events/Reminders thing.


At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are right, that was a crazy night...but fun!

At 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are some really strange postings on iNSOMNiA. Surely, if people wanted information on the best caffeine free, low calorie energy drink, they would visit a site such as energy and get all the info on energy.

At 3:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi iNSOMNiA There I was just cruising the web looking for info on energy4u and I happened upon your site. It looks like you have put a lot of work into Crazy Nights and congratulations, but I'm really looking for info on an amazing new energy drink.


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