Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Keno = Flat Tire

Flat Tire
Originally uploaded by insomniajwf.
Today was a very eventful day for sure. It started off with the always awesome waking up for school to go take a final. So I went and did that and it wasn't to bad. Then I came home for about an hour then I was right off to work from 1 to 9. This was definitely the most boring part of my day and took forever to get through. The only good part about work was lunch because Amanda came up and had lunch with me. I love that girl! So after getting off work Michael, Rob, Lydia and I all got together and went and played some Keno. I won 6 bucks about but ended up I think with 5 dollars less then what I started with, but hey I go for the people and the hanging out mostly.

Okay well here's where things get tricky. Rob and Lydia left or so we thought. Lydia comes back in and Mike and I were like huh? She then explains to us that basically Rob's tire all but exploded and so once again I am in a tire situation with Rob this seems to happen quite often. So here we go, off to change his tire and his tools for this of course don't fit. So we head off to Rob's house to hopefully find some that will. So Mike, Rob and I literally start digging through Rob's garage and though his moms car, and bum bum bummmmmmm we come up with nothing. So onward to my house to get my car tools. Bazaaam thank goodness my tools worked because this was a lot of work as it was. This tire was totally F-ed when we took it off, it had a huge hole in it. It obviously was overdue for a changing but good news is we got Rob home and he bought me Taco Bell for helping.

So now I am home safe, happy, full and tired. But I think I'm going to add a Funny/Cool clip and then call it quits. I'm out, cya!


At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey brian!! You and Amanda are the best couple that I have ever met. I cant wait untill we hang out once again. I dont know what I would do with out you two.


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