Thursday, March 03, 2005

Wow, that's All I"ve Got To Say...

Jesus Christ here people we are 20 years old. Does anyone realize this. Why do I feel like I'm still in High School. Now, I was going to keep my mouth shut on the this Rob/Jon, Mikey, Alex situation. But you guys went way to far threatening his girlfriend and his life with your 3rd grader rap(Or as some people have put it, not to mention my personal favorite, "Dr. Suess raps"). Have you noticed it's three against one yet. You guys are the ultimate of all things pathetic. You guys need to grow up and just move on with your lives. Start going somewhere with them. Why do you have to bash on people all the time, can't you just let others live in peace. Don't you guys have anything better to do then to threaten Rob? Mikey and Jon this crap is of no surprise to me of you two, but Alex what happened I expected better of you man. I'm quite disappointed. Okay, I'm not going to say much more on this subject because I believe it to be moronic. C'mon though fellas just drop it and start living your own life. Stop worrying about others. Especially people who want nothing to do with you guys.

Oh and one more thing to you Jon, stop speaking for me to Steph. I never told you that Rob and I hated Erica. I don't even talk to you. So please don't tell her that. And about Erica cheating or not cheating on me, I really don't care if it is true or not because it is done and over with. In a way I'm glad it happened because otherwise I would have never met the most wonderful girl that is Amanda. Which I love so deeply and I am so glad that we found eachother.

Alright so on to other stuff, I finished my last final today! My grades this quarter ended with 2 A's and one B. Which is great news for my GPA. I already have Honors but hopefully that will bump me up into Highest Honors which is GPA's of 3.79 or more. I'm so close, my GPA is around a 3.75 as it is.

Now, I have a week off from school, which should kick ass. I can be lazy as hell for a week especially when I get my wisdom teeth out since all I'm going to be doing is laying around on hardcore pain medication. That reminds me, Katie it's not looking to good for us that weekend to hang out since I forgot about getting my Wisdom teeth pulled the 10th. Sorry girly, I'm so disappointed I wanted to see you really bad but looks like are plans are foiled.

That's about it, I have to work tonight and then I get tomorrow off and it is Amanda and I's fourth month! So that should be fun! TTY all laters! And remember be good to yourselves and others.(Jerry Springer accent)


At 12:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian, I am so glad that you are here. You are one of the only people that I have known of, that has not submitted to the lower levels of the immature minds. I hope you know that I really do appreciate you being the person that you are. I love you and Amanda.

At 6:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just for the record, "you know who the fuck I am" isnt me. for one, I'm not dating Jill, and havent been for a few days. Number two, I've never had a problem with Amanda. I just dont want any shit caused because of some ass hole acting like me. BUT, for the record, I'm none to pleased with what you said. Regardless, my "Dr. Seuss" rhymes were directed at Rob.

At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is directed at 'you know who the fuck I am' why are you bringing amanda into this conversation? What did amanda do to you and why would you bring that up unless you are just acting childish and trying to get back at brian for his defense of rob and lydia? You have no reason to attack amanda like this, so why dont you keep your nose out of other people's business? Stop spreading lies and just shut up already.


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