Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Nice Real Nice

Well these last few days of waking up whenever I basically wanted to have rocked. I have 2 weeks off of school well except for this damn Sat. class where I have to take the final. But yeah sleep is good my body feels so rested.

Dan and Alex are coming home soon, very soon. I ran into Alex's mom a couple of days ago and she asked me if I had heard from them. I told her that I knew they were alive and having a blast. She was like well why don't Alex CALL HIS MOTHER! It was funny.

This last Saturday we just hung out with Stew at the Apartment it was weird without Dan felt like something was missing. It was still a blast of a time though.

Okay I have to go shower and go get some crickets for the lizards. Peace out my homeboys and homegirls! LOL!

P.S. Amanda I love you!


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