Monday, March 07, 2005


Originally uploaded by insomniajwf.
I have no idea why I have been postponing doing my Resume for so long. It was not bad to do at all! I got it done in about an hour and a half which is like nothing. I give a big thanks out to my man Kyle for sending me his Resume to use as a diagram. Thanks again Kyle!

Amanda and I went to go see the movie Constatine Friday night. I loved it! I'm very intrigued by religions and what they believe and how they work. And since this had so much religion wrapped up in it. It had my whole body consumed in it the entire time.

Saturday, I worked all day that is from 10am to 7pm afterwards Amanda, Rob, Lydia, Alex, Dan, Danny, Kendall and I all hung out at The Dan's Place. That was a good old time especially when the Jehovah witnesses called me up, that I had met earlier that day. It was funny to talk to them under the influence(Of H2O that is, of course). Their great guys though. I give them mad props for given two years of their lives up for their religion.

Today, I woke up at noon met Scott's girlfriend. Worked out then Amanda and I cooked some hamburgers. Man were they awesome. Now I'm going to head out though.

Let's all open are eyes and see the divine light of peace, stop the betraying of others and of yourselves. Can't you see that your killing your inner soul, your inner spirit...


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