Sunday, March 13, 2005

Money Money Money!

Money Money Money!
Originally uploaded by insomniajwf.
Hey all! Today was a great day. I'm getting better and better as far as the teeth situation goes. No longer am taking the codeine, so no more sleepy Brian. Which is good because I was getting tired or sleeping all the time. Which is sort of ironic I suppose.

Tonight Michael, Jeremy, and I, plus the wonderful girlfriends, hit up the LV Keno. I won a $59 dollars tonight, so that rocks. Seeing how I have been so broke as of late. Rob we tried calling you up tonight so you could make it, but you must have been working or something. Maybe next time.

I am so hungry for a Cheesy Gordita Crunch right now, you all have no idea. I can't wait until I'm fully healed and I can tear into one of those bad boys.

Well I deleted a few links tonight because they seem to be no longer be updating. So if you guys start up again just let me know and I'll put you back up. Also if anyone else would like their site's posted on here just let me know and most likely it shall be granted.

I did add an entertaining link tonight. It's about this animator of short films. Amanda showed me him. They are pretty funny in a ridiculous manner. So you should DL them on LimeWire or Kazza or whatever peer to peer sharer you have.(Although I do not support P2P no sir, not me, hehehehe, seriously though.) His name is Don Hertzfeldt.

Thanks Katie for the pudding they are delicious I just had one. It was so nice to see you. Your boyfriend seems like a keeper to. Way to go!

Alright talk to you all later!


At 10:03 PM, Blogger iNSOMNiA said...

Question for you O.P. If you are real then wouldn't you have a picture of your true self and not that of a toy version of you?

At 5:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wuv you baby!!!!! My boyfriend is the hottest guy in the world everyone! lol Sorry lydia, a guess i should say my boyfriends is one of the two hottest guys in the world!! ;)


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