Thursday, April 14, 2005

Art Of The Saber

I have added a link to one of the coolest student films that I have ever seen. It amazes me how much you can do with just 3 guys, a hand held camcorder and computers. My teacher showed me this clip about a year ago. I really should have put a link up sooner to it but now is better then never. Rob I think this video is right up your alley, one because its a novice film, like what your getting in to, and then of course the second reason is because it Star Wars like. Oh, I would suggest downloading QuickTime Alternative for this one. So that you can view it in full screen, which you may or may not know that you can't do in the freeware version of QuickTime. You can download QT ALT in my Cool DLs link. You can download Art Of The Saber in the Funny/Cool Clips section.

Tomorrow night Dan, Amanda, Amber and I are going to be going on a double date sort of thing. We are just going to the movies. But it should be lots of fun!

Tuesday the 26th I'm taking my car in to finally get the drivers side window fixed. It hasn't worked since early fall.

See you, Space Cowboy.


At 1:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I have seen the Art of the Saber many, many times before. You got it right, definitely peaks my interests.

Now, I need to download that QT alternative...

At 11:13 AM, Blogger iNSOMNiA said...

I had a feeling you might have already seen it. Oh well, others shall still enjoy it.


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