Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Love Me Two Times, I've Gone Away

Yesterday, was Amanda and I's 5th Month, I have got to say this is definitely the healthiest relationship I have ever been in. Not to mention the best relationship I have ever been in. It's nice never having to worry about if she is going to be pissed at me for something that I do. She loves me for who I am and that's the way it always should be.

This weekend was really cool. It started off Friday night by going to a Keg party. Amanda and I only stayed for a little bit seeing how I couldn't drink that night, due to going to school the next day. It was an interesting little party though. They had a big McDonald's M in their living room which I thought was pretty funny. Saturday, Amanda and I went to see Sin City which I have been dying to see since I had seen the first preview. I had glanced through the graphic novels of them before but never sat down and read them though. I probably would have if I was rich and able to buy them that day. Anyway, it was an awesome movie. I loved how it was such dry talk. 1930's movie talk, if you will. It had some dry humor as well. The movie was well put together everything zipped up nice and neatly at the end. After the movie we went to Mike's girlfriends house and partied with them. It was a blast! It's fun to get tore up with them. Sunday was more of a relaxing day just watched a movie over at Amanda's house then we sat outside in her backyard looking upon the forest at night.

Well as of last night Dan and I went for a long ass walk. I love doing that with him in the summer we never seem to run out of things to talk about. Always a blast.

Today so far I woke up and was disappointed that it was not sunny. Oh well. I vacuumed and cleaned out the inside of my car. I also lit an incense in there so now it will smell nice and pretty. Later today Amanda and I are going to go work out at 24.

That's it, that's all he wrote.


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