Friday, April 08, 2005

Sore, So So Sore

Amanda and I have been working out a whole lot lately and man are my chest and arms sore! I haven't felt this in so long. Even though they are sore though, I am happy because it just reminds me I'm getting back into gear. Too long have I been lazy.

Not to much has been up lately. I have been thinking of getting a real bed that's nice and soft. But I think that I shall still wait until I move out to get a new one. I do wish that I could blast a hole in my wall so that I would have a window in my room. I get so tired in my room without a window.

I'm watching Dan's parents Dogs right now. They are a crazy couple, always having to give Cobe his Epilepsy medicine and Kelsey is just Kelsey enough said there. Dudley is a hoot though, I swear he becomes more human like every day.

Took another walk last night with Dan, it was a brisk night and we came across a man who called himself Randy, he wanted money. Sadly, we had none for him. That's when he pulled the knife. I felt my heart drop like a rock, "this is it," I thought, "this is all that's left in life, this one last look at the moon through the shimmering knife." But BAM Spider-Man came and saved us both! Thank you Spider-Man! I will never forget that kiss we shared, you all being upside and all. Wow what a night!

Moving on, I added a few Funny Clips. I never really liked the Star Wars kid but this clip does make me chuckle. Also, there is a crazy, crazy weatherman that I just wondered how he has kept his job this long. I wish our weatherman was like him though.

Don't forget kids, kiss Spider-Man, he did save your life after all.

P.S. I've lost my mind!


At 11:19 AM, Blogger iNSOMNiA said...

Muahahahahaha(Deep Evil Laugh)


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