Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Mudvayne Wrap Up

After listening to the album the whole way through a couple of times, I do enjoy it overall. It's always weird to listen to a new CD and everything your going to hear seems like such a mystery. You have no clue what you are about to walk in to, will you like it, or will you yearn for the good all days. Even though L.D. 50 is still my favorite album. Going back to the same old would be boring and no show in evolution. I give this album a 8 out of 10. Although Mudvayne overall in general will always get a 10 from me.

I also have added a few new videos. One is a funny ass prank call and the other is some hardcore Rugby Shots.


At 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to burn a copy of that...

At 1:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont know if you know or not, but you have May 15th down for the Mudvayne concert and its actually on the 14th. Just giving you a heads up man.


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