Thursday, April 21, 2005

Leopard Gecko!

This little creature is called a Leopard Gecko. I have decided this is going to be the lizard I am going to buy. I really want to buy one tonight, but I am going to make myself wait until I at least have the tank set up for him. Hopefully I can get him Saturday, most likely it will be later though.

Well yesterday was pretty interesting as far as the night time went. My friend from work accidentally cut herself with a box cutter pretty deep, so she had to go to the E.R. and get fixed up. A nurse that just happened to be in the store at the time drove her there and then I went and picked her up. I am glad to see that there are still very generous people out there in the world! Thank you for doing that kind nameless nurse.

Oh, Ben has some stuff from when he had a lizard that he said he would be willing to give me. Thank you Ben! Still mad you ditched me yesterday though. You punk! LOL I really don't care, it's all good.

Okay well the Boneless Buffalo Wings I had for lunch are starting to make me feel really full so I'm going to go. Adios.


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