Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Playing Catch Up

It's been awhile since my last update so I will run down on what has happened since last time we met.

Friday, Dan, Amber, Amanda and I went to the movies and saw Hostage. It was a better movie then I thought it was going to be. So that made me happy. Afterwards we went to Katie house and partied. While there we ran into a Possum who in fact played possum on us. We all thought for sure it was dead, we were so close to it, might as well had been having a party with it and it didn't move on bit. Scary little thing that's for sure. So after we passed it I went and got Michael so that I could show him the what I thought was a dead Possum, of course I didn't tell him what I was showing him. So when we got to the place to show him, the damn thing went running away through some bushes so I go off screaming "Ah It's not dead!" followed by Michael screaming "What are we running from!?" Wow, that was an interesting event. I only got three hours of sleep that night due to having school the next morning.

Saturday, consisted of school, then right to work, then we had another wicked party at The Dan's everyone was there, and boy do I mean everyone. People who you'd think never would party again were there. Quite amazing actually.

Sunday, I worked in the morning, did homework, and then picked up Amanda and we went to my Grandma Corey's birthday. She's pretty funny in her old age.

Yesterday, I went to school then right to work again and then Dan and I hit up some Rockstar's, then went and played Keno, where Rob and Lydia came and joined us later. Didn't win this time. Didn't have my good luck charm Amanda. The only time I win is when she is there with us and when we are at the LaVista Keno. After that Dan and I went for a walk down to the forest where we just chatted. Which brought me upon now thinking about getting a lizard again, so Thursday Amanda and I are going to start looking for tanks and other junk like that. I want to find a really cool but not to expensive lizard.

Today, I woke up to Amanda knocking at my door. She got out of school early so she came to surprise me! We then went and worked out, followed by washing my car. Which I thought was a blast and then I had to go to work. After work I just did homework and now I am here. Yep that's the just of it. Yippie skippy hippie!

I'm pretty pumped for this weekend one is because I have no school this Saturday and two is because we are going to the Villisca house. If you don't know what that is, go check it out in my entertaining links. Okay, I think it is time for me to go. See you all later.


At 1:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im honestly suprised that Rob would go to a place that I and Mikey hang out at. And dont say that you didnt know, its on my site and I know you all still read it.

At 1:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be careful when you go there. We might be there, and since we're in the same place, you'll all probably call the police, charging Jon and I for breathing.

At 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He wasnt with me. He was online. And dont get into this, you dont want this drama, Ben. Seriously

At 11:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian, I had a great time like always, hanging out with you all!!!


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