Saturday, April 30, 2005


Well I'm here with another classroom update. I know what your thinking, class on Saturday? Yeah it does suck but it's a pretty easy class and the teacher rocks so its all good.

The Slipknot concert last night was awesome! The bands before Slipknot sucked big time due to being Cannibal Corpse Style. I have no voice at all due to "rockin" so hard! Which is why I didn't want to work today but I got conned in to doing it. Oh well, more money for me.

I finally got the extra plants and stuff from Ben for my gecko. Her cage is really kickin now! I really like the set up I have going on now. If only Zelda wasn't so scared of humans still. She's getting a little better but still shy.

Tonight after work I get to see my baby again. It had been like a week since we had seen each other, up until yesterday that is. We're not sure what we are going to do tonight yet, either just watch a movie together or go hang out with the gang.

Six months is coming upon us. I can honestly say I have never ever been in this healthy of a relationship. I love you Amanda, here's to six more months!

Alex, Rob, Michael and I all got ringside seats for the up coming Raw show and even though none of us watch wrestling anymore it will still be incredible to be that close to the action!

Okay I better get started on my homework. Talk to you all later.


At 3:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

even though none of us watch wrestling anymore it will still be incredible to be that close to the action!

-- heh ;)


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