Thursday, May 05, 2005


Today, I have been highly addicted to SimCity 4. I seriously must have played it for over eight hours. Not in a row though. That would have been just nuts. I don't know why this game has me glued to the computer so well. It's just such a challenge and reward. Crazy me!

Spider bite update. The Doctor did in fact say it was a Brown Recluse bite but he also said even though it looked horrible, it wasn't infected. So it should be gone in a week. If it starts eating at my leg though, you can bet I'm going to sue his ass!

A couple of days ago at work my boss and her Asst. we're fired. Here's what happened from what I have heard and what I can gather. My boss was fired for playing scratch tickets on the clock. I think it was kind of drastic to fire her over that. I think a nice don't do that anymore would have worked but I guess they said she was not being a good role model doing that so they canned her. Her Asst. was fired for a more reasonable reason. She was stealing scratch tickets. Yeah it makes since why she was canned. As far as I go, I have scratched scratch tickets on the clock too, but so had Ben and all he got was written up and suspended for a day, so I'm sure the same thing will happen to me next time I go in to work. The reasons we're not fired is because we're not managers and not setting a model I guess.

Amanda has now come in to the world of blogging. You can find her link under Friends Sites.

Sad news, I finished my DVD set of Inu-yasha. Fifty-Six episodes. I am highly saddened by this. Now what am I to watch. The next seasons won't come out for some time now. Oh, I am going to be so lost!

I did find some time for family today. My mother, brother and I went to visit my cousin Jenny who was watching over Samantha, Andrea, and her kid. They are all little rascals and we played on the trampoling together for a couple of hours. It was so fun! I love kids!

So I was planning on hanging out with my friend Mark this Sunday to watch Family Guy with him again but due to Mother's Day that doesn't look like it's going to be happening. Oh well there's always next Sunday.

That all for now chums.


At 12:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now what kind of update is that?


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