Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Six Months!

Wow, I can't believe it has already been six months. It seems like just yesterday that my princess walked through the door. Baby, you are amazing. You make me the happiest man in the world. I love you! May our love for each other only grow stronger.

On a totally different topic, I seem to have quite the nasty spider bite on my leg. It's swelling pretty big! If it doesn't get better here in the next few days I will be going to the Doctors to have him check this bad boy out.

This just in! Family Guy still rocks! After a few years of being cancelled the lovable family is back and do I dare say it... Yes I do dare, They are better then ever! The first episode of this season, had me laughing the whole way through. Keep it up guys, don't let us down!

Some one keeps calling my house every two damn seconds! Just thought you would all like to know that.

Well I have better go get ready for the big day.

See You In Space, Cowboy.


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