Monday, March 28, 2005

Well Hello Dan

This update is to mostly just add Dan's website on to my links. He has a blogger now and he updates it quite often. Always an interesting read. I can't wait until he goes to Amsterdam and writes posts on what he is doing over there.

Not to much else has been going on. Had the gang over Saturday night(Rob, Lydia, Michael, Katie, Amanda and Vanessa). We did mostly what R2K wrote about on his site. Yesterday Amanda and I went to see The Ring 2. It was pretty good. It' s been a long time since I saw the first one. So I was a little lost at first but no big deal. Amanda and I are planning to go to the Zoo tomorrow and then later that night chill with Stew and Dan with Amanda's friend who I think is named Katie.

Deftones new CD comes out tomorrow so I shall be purchasing that before we head to the Zoo.

The only other thing to add is I added a new Funny/Cool Clip. Check it out, I find it hilarious.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

So Close, Yet So Far...

Going to school has already payed off and then again at the same time it screwed me. How you question, well let me tell you how. Today I received a phone call from PlaNET informing me that they would like to offer me a job as a 1st level Active Directory Administrator which in a nut shell means that I would be adding all the new users to the network, setting up their passwords, and setting up their permissions to files and folders. This would have been a full time job from 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday. I would have been starting off at $11.75 an hour. This would have been perfect, exactly what I'm looking for with just starting off in my career. Unfortunately, since I'm am still going to school, it was not going to work out for them. Hopefully though when I graduate they will still have some sort of openings there. They have my resume. I have their info, so you know I will be giving them a call when I graduate.

I finally got to see Amanda today! It was awesome, we are so close to finishing up Cowboy Bebob. Two episodes left, that's it. We're going to see each other tomorrow before I go to work so we will finishing them up then.

It's really to bad I couldn't take that job. I would have been able to accomplish my goal of having a full time job and be living on my own. In my OWN place. Damn. Oh well there is always the future.

See you, Space Cowboy.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Jewel of Four Souls

Originally uploaded by insomniajwf.

So if you haven't heard yet I recently discovered the awesome world of and I am in love with it! I bought some DVD's off there for dirt cheap. My most prized one is the Inuyasha seasons one and two. I got that bad boy for $50 dollars. Where as if I had gone to Best Buy to buy it season one alone would have cost me $125 dollars. Thank you amazon! I also purchased the last two Cowboy Bebop DVD's I needed.

I ended up not have to go to court today. Yes! The plaintiff ended up changing his verdict to guilty. Which was a smart move because he had no chance in hell.

I went to the career Fair yesterday at ITT. It was pretty much a bust not to many employers there looking for something in my occupation. A lot of bullshit employers we're there like Lowe's. Yes that's right go to ITT apparently become a gardener. I did give a resume to OPS (Omaha Public Schools) because they are looking for an Asst. Networker. I thought it would be cool to work for the school.

I have been working a awful lot lately which is good but also exhausting. I only have one day off this week. I haven't seen Amanda since Saturday. Boy do I miss her! The good news is tomorrow is finally my day off! So tomorrow I get to see my lovely girl!

Today I added some links. Under Friends Links we now have Mr. Vogel upping the anti on this shit. Under Entertain Links I added deviantART, it's a really cool website if your looking for some cool crazy pictures. I added two, that's right two Funny/Cool Clips, one is of an awesome Rocky Spoof and the other is just of some kids skating here in LaVista. That's basically the only reason I added that one was because it was here in LaVista.

Okay well I think that is about it. See you all later.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

St Patty's Day

Howdy everyone! How is everyone today? I'm doing very well. Sorry its been a few days since my last update. I'm back in school and work now so my life has a lot more of those tedious time consuming restraints. Such is life though.

Not to much has been happening for me. I'm going to be going to a career fair next Tuesday at ITT to see if I can find a job in my field to get in to. If that fails there is another Job Fair on April 5th which I think I will attend that one though is at the Qwest Center.

Mudvayne is going to be coming here for a concert May 15th so I will definitely be attending that. Also their new CD is out April 12th so look out for that one.

I have to go to court next Wednesday because of the whole mailbox incident back at Da Houze. If you don't know about this story yet and wish to hear about it, you can just give me a ring.

Let's see tonight I'm thinking Amanda and I will be venturing to our friends Katie and Mark's Apartment for the holiday fiesta.

I added a new side bar section it's called Cool DL's which if you can't crack what DL stands for then you don't deserve to use them. Anyways there is only a few of them there right now but I will add more later. Firefox is an awesome web browser if you are sick of Microsoft or if your sick of tons of spyware through Explorer. It has a lot less problems with spyware and viruses since most hackers use Explorer since it is more well known. The other DL is QuickTime Alternative which is really nice to use so you don't have to DL the actual QuickTime player. I also added a new entertain link which is an awesome anime movie. The English version is not yet released. But I have the subtitle version if you would like to see it. Talk to me about setting up a way to get it to you, if you are interested in seeing it.

I think that about wraps it up here though. Talk to you all later!

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Money Money Money!

Money Money Money!
Originally uploaded by insomniajwf.
Hey all! Today was a great day. I'm getting better and better as far as the teeth situation goes. No longer am taking the codeine, so no more sleepy Brian. Which is good because I was getting tired or sleeping all the time. Which is sort of ironic I suppose.

Tonight Michael, Jeremy, and I, plus the wonderful girlfriends, hit up the LV Keno. I won a $59 dollars tonight, so that rocks. Seeing how I have been so broke as of late. Rob we tried calling you up tonight so you could make it, but you must have been working or something. Maybe next time.

I am so hungry for a Cheesy Gordita Crunch right now, you all have no idea. I can't wait until I'm fully healed and I can tear into one of those bad boys.

Well I deleted a few links tonight because they seem to be no longer be updating. So if you guys start up again just let me know and I'll put you back up. Also if anyone else would like their site's posted on here just let me know and most likely it shall be granted.

I did add an entertaining link tonight. It's about this animator of short films. Amanda showed me him. They are pretty funny in a ridiculous manner. So you should DL them on LimeWire or Kazza or whatever peer to peer sharer you have.(Although I do not support P2P no sir, not me, hehehehe, seriously though.) His name is Don Hertzfeldt.

Thanks Katie for the pudding they are delicious I just had one. It was so nice to see you. Your boyfriend seems like a keeper to. Way to go!

Alright talk to you all later!

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Time Is Short

Well I don't have much time to talk on here but I just wanted to let you all know I'm alive. I made it through the wisdom teeth thing pretty easily. My mouth was only in real pain for maybe about 6 to 9 hours after the surgery since then it hasn't been that bad.

Last night Rob, Lydia, Amanda and I went and saw the movie Hitch. It was pretty funny not as funny as I had thought it would be, but good enough, good enough(Grandpa Corey Accent).

So Katie if you read this definitely give me a call before you leave town. I'm feeling great so we got to hang out.

Okay got to go. Ben's and Steph and Erica's sites are up finally. See ya'll!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Done and Done

Originally uploaded by insomniajwf.
Well I got it over and done with finally. My wisdom teeth are now officially gone. I got to say it wasn't that bad at all. I'm glad I just went with the Laughing Gas and the novocaine. My dentist is hilarious, maybe it's just because I was all fucked up but while he was pulling my teeth an ambulance went by and he was like "I didn't call them, I swear, not yet at least" Yeah it was probably just because I was so gassed up that I thought that was funny but hey you wish your dentist was that cool. The surgery went pretty smoothly I guess. He had to cut both my bottom ones in half to get them out but the tops ones just popped right out.

Right now I'm pretty high on the pain medication they gave me, so if I am like all over the place or not making any sense I'm sorry.

In other news its nice to see that Ben's got a site going, it gives me something else to read. I shall ad his link on here asap.

Okay well I'm going to go for now. Hopefully I will heal up pretty quickly.

P.S. Rob I like your new Main Picture.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Couple Of Videos

Just added a couple of videos today that caught my eye.
Whoa Settle Down
Poor Guy

Michael Wanted This

So Michael wanted me to update on my earlier post. So don't read this until you have read the previous one. I mean it! STOP RIGHT NOW! Damn you if you haven't stopped! Okay, now that you are updated I just had to make the comment that the coffee has finally seemed to hit me. My hands seem to be quite shaky now and my veins are busting a nut out of my skin! That is all.

One Winged Angel

One Winged Angel
Originally uploaded by insomniajwf.
I just thought this was a really cool picture. So I put it up. No significance behind it.

Time is coming nearer to having my teeth pulled, only 2 more days.

So I have decided to start to read the Left Behind series again. I don't know why I quit the first time but I hope to actually get through them this time.

Paper Mario is cool, a lot of reading involved in it, it seems though. It makes me tired for some reason, but I still like it.

As far as today goes all I did was work all day, and then went and play Keno with Michael, Jeremy and their girlfriends. Didn't win shit tonight. I did have like 6 glasses of coffee though. It seems to have no affect on me at all though. Caffeine and crap like never seems to have an affect on me.

Well I added another cool video, I saw this one a long time ago but I just think it is really neat. It's a Honda ad that took them like 600 tries to pull off. You can get to the video either by the side bar or click here.

Ta Ta for now.

Monday, March 07, 2005


Originally uploaded by insomniajwf.
I have no idea why I have been postponing doing my Resume for so long. It was not bad to do at all! I got it done in about an hour and a half which is like nothing. I give a big thanks out to my man Kyle for sending me his Resume to use as a diagram. Thanks again Kyle!

Amanda and I went to go see the movie Constatine Friday night. I loved it! I'm very intrigued by religions and what they believe and how they work. And since this had so much religion wrapped up in it. It had my whole body consumed in it the entire time.

Saturday, I worked all day that is from 10am to 7pm afterwards Amanda, Rob, Lydia, Alex, Dan, Danny, Kendall and I all hung out at The Dan's Place. That was a good old time especially when the Jehovah witnesses called me up, that I had met earlier that day. It was funny to talk to them under the influence(Of H2O that is, of course). Their great guys though. I give them mad props for given two years of their lives up for their religion.

Today, I woke up at noon met Scott's girlfriend. Worked out then Amanda and I cooked some hamburgers. Man were they awesome. Now I'm going to head out though.

Let's all open are eyes and see the divine light of peace, stop the betraying of others and of yourselves. Can't you see that your killing your inner soul, your inner spirit...

Friday, March 04, 2005

4 Blissful Months

Amanda and I at Hooters1
Originally uploaded by insomniajwf.
Today I am dedicating this site to my beautiful baby Amanda! We have been together for 4 wonderful months now and I have never been happier! I love you so much my Sexy Vampire Princess! Thank you for making me the happiest I have ever been. Thank you for making me laugh all the time. Thank you for always being there, basically thank you for everything that you do. Oh, and most of all thank you for being you! I love you! **Muah**

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Wow, that's All I"ve Got To Say...

Jesus Christ here people we are 20 years old. Does anyone realize this. Why do I feel like I'm still in High School. Now, I was going to keep my mouth shut on the this Rob/Jon, Mikey, Alex situation. But you guys went way to far threatening his girlfriend and his life with your 3rd grader rap(Or as some people have put it, not to mention my personal favorite, "Dr. Suess raps"). Have you noticed it's three against one yet. You guys are the ultimate of all things pathetic. You guys need to grow up and just move on with your lives. Start going somewhere with them. Why do you have to bash on people all the time, can't you just let others live in peace. Don't you guys have anything better to do then to threaten Rob? Mikey and Jon this crap is of no surprise to me of you two, but Alex what happened I expected better of you man. I'm quite disappointed. Okay, I'm not going to say much more on this subject because I believe it to be moronic. C'mon though fellas just drop it and start living your own life. Stop worrying about others. Especially people who want nothing to do with you guys.

Oh and one more thing to you Jon, stop speaking for me to Steph. I never told you that Rob and I hated Erica. I don't even talk to you. So please don't tell her that. And about Erica cheating or not cheating on me, I really don't care if it is true or not because it is done and over with. In a way I'm glad it happened because otherwise I would have never met the most wonderful girl that is Amanda. Which I love so deeply and I am so glad that we found eachother.

Alright so on to other stuff, I finished my last final today! My grades this quarter ended with 2 A's and one B. Which is great news for my GPA. I already have Honors but hopefully that will bump me up into Highest Honors which is GPA's of 3.79 or more. I'm so close, my GPA is around a 3.75 as it is.

Now, I have a week off from school, which should kick ass. I can be lazy as hell for a week especially when I get my wisdom teeth out since all I'm going to be doing is laying around on hardcore pain medication. That reminds me, Katie it's not looking to good for us that weekend to hang out since I forgot about getting my Wisdom teeth pulled the 10th. Sorry girly, I'm so disappointed I wanted to see you really bad but looks like are plans are foiled.

That's about it, I have to work tonight and then I get tomorrow off and it is Amanda and I's fourth month! So that should be fun! TTY all laters! And remember be good to yourselves and others.(Jerry Springer accent)

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Keno = Flat Tire

Flat Tire
Originally uploaded by insomniajwf.
Today was a very eventful day for sure. It started off with the always awesome waking up for school to go take a final. So I went and did that and it wasn't to bad. Then I came home for about an hour then I was right off to work from 1 to 9. This was definitely the most boring part of my day and took forever to get through. The only good part about work was lunch because Amanda came up and had lunch with me. I love that girl! So after getting off work Michael, Rob, Lydia and I all got together and went and played some Keno. I won 6 bucks about but ended up I think with 5 dollars less then what I started with, but hey I go for the people and the hanging out mostly.

Okay well here's where things get tricky. Rob and Lydia left or so we thought. Lydia comes back in and Mike and I were like huh? She then explains to us that basically Rob's tire all but exploded and so once again I am in a tire situation with Rob this seems to happen quite often. So here we go, off to change his tire and his tools for this of course don't fit. So we head off to Rob's house to hopefully find some that will. So Mike, Rob and I literally start digging through Rob's garage and though his moms car, and bum bum bummmmmmm we come up with nothing. So onward to my house to get my car tools. Bazaaam thank goodness my tools worked because this was a lot of work as it was. This tire was totally F-ed when we took it off, it had a huge hole in it. It obviously was overdue for a changing but good news is we got Rob home and he bought me Taco Bell for helping.

So now I am home safe, happy, full and tired. But I think I'm going to add a Funny/Cool clip and then call it quits. I'm out, cya!