Saturday, April 30, 2005


Well I'm here with another classroom update. I know what your thinking, class on Saturday? Yeah it does suck but it's a pretty easy class and the teacher rocks so its all good.

The Slipknot concert last night was awesome! The bands before Slipknot sucked big time due to being Cannibal Corpse Style. I have no voice at all due to "rockin" so hard! Which is why I didn't want to work today but I got conned in to doing it. Oh well, more money for me.

I finally got the extra plants and stuff from Ben for my gecko. Her cage is really kickin now! I really like the set up I have going on now. If only Zelda wasn't so scared of humans still. She's getting a little better but still shy.

Tonight after work I get to see my baby again. It had been like a week since we had seen each other, up until yesterday that is. We're not sure what we are going to do tonight yet, either just watch a movie together or go hang out with the gang.

Six months is coming upon us. I can honestly say I have never ever been in this healthy of a relationship. I love you Amanda, here's to six more months!

Alex, Rob, Michael and I all got ringside seats for the up coming Raw show and even though none of us watch wrestling anymore it will still be incredible to be that close to the action!

Okay I better get started on my homework. Talk to you all later.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Sneak One In

I'm at school right now, but it seems that I am the only one here as of yet. This includes even the teacher. So I thought I would try to update real quick seeing how this is the only time I have had in forever.

I did indeed get a Leopard Gecko. It is a Tangerine HiYellow one. Her name is Zelda. She is unfortunately still scared of people so when you walk up to the cage she hides but I'm sure that will change eventually.

Went to the Villisca house this last weekend. It was a blast! I have about 30 minutes of video footage. Crap the teacher is here. I have to go. Hopefully I'll have another update soon!

Okay I'm back, it's been about an hour and I have all my homework done, so I'll try to finish here.

As I was saying about the Villisca trip. It was a great time, and even though I didn't personally see anything I would definitely go back again sometime.

I finally got my window fixed on my car. It cost a ridiculous $513 dollars! If you didn't know my drivers side window was inoperative. Well it cost $250 for a new motor and $100 for a new switch and the rest was labor.

Damn well I got more homework now, so this is probably it for the updates today.

See You In Space Cowboy.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Leopard Gecko!

This little creature is called a Leopard Gecko. I have decided this is going to be the lizard I am going to buy. I really want to buy one tonight, but I am going to make myself wait until I at least have the tank set up for him. Hopefully I can get him Saturday, most likely it will be later though.

Well yesterday was pretty interesting as far as the night time went. My friend from work accidentally cut herself with a box cutter pretty deep, so she had to go to the E.R. and get fixed up. A nurse that just happened to be in the store at the time drove her there and then I went and picked her up. I am glad to see that there are still very generous people out there in the world! Thank you for doing that kind nameless nurse.

Oh, Ben has some stuff from when he had a lizard that he said he would be willing to give me. Thank you Ben! Still mad you ditched me yesterday though. You punk! LOL I really don't care, it's all good.

Okay well the Boneless Buffalo Wings I had for lunch are starting to make me feel really full so I'm going to go. Adios.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Playing Catch Up

It's been awhile since my last update so I will run down on what has happened since last time we met.

Friday, Dan, Amber, Amanda and I went to the movies and saw Hostage. It was a better movie then I thought it was going to be. So that made me happy. Afterwards we went to Katie house and partied. While there we ran into a Possum who in fact played possum on us. We all thought for sure it was dead, we were so close to it, might as well had been having a party with it and it didn't move on bit. Scary little thing that's for sure. So after we passed it I went and got Michael so that I could show him the what I thought was a dead Possum, of course I didn't tell him what I was showing him. So when we got to the place to show him, the damn thing went running away through some bushes so I go off screaming "Ah It's not dead!" followed by Michael screaming "What are we running from!?" Wow, that was an interesting event. I only got three hours of sleep that night due to having school the next morning.

Saturday, consisted of school, then right to work, then we had another wicked party at The Dan's everyone was there, and boy do I mean everyone. People who you'd think never would party again were there. Quite amazing actually.

Sunday, I worked in the morning, did homework, and then picked up Amanda and we went to my Grandma Corey's birthday. She's pretty funny in her old age.

Yesterday, I went to school then right to work again and then Dan and I hit up some Rockstar's, then went and played Keno, where Rob and Lydia came and joined us later. Didn't win this time. Didn't have my good luck charm Amanda. The only time I win is when she is there with us and when we are at the LaVista Keno. After that Dan and I went for a walk down to the forest where we just chatted. Which brought me upon now thinking about getting a lizard again, so Thursday Amanda and I are going to start looking for tanks and other junk like that. I want to find a really cool but not to expensive lizard.

Today, I woke up to Amanda knocking at my door. She got out of school early so she came to surprise me! We then went and worked out, followed by washing my car. Which I thought was a blast and then I had to go to work. After work I just did homework and now I am here. Yep that's the just of it. Yippie skippy hippie!

I'm pretty pumped for this weekend one is because I have no school this Saturday and two is because we are going to the Villisca house. If you don't know what that is, go check it out in my entertaining links. Okay, I think it is time for me to go. See you all later.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Art Of The Saber

I have added a link to one of the coolest student films that I have ever seen. It amazes me how much you can do with just 3 guys, a hand held camcorder and computers. My teacher showed me this clip about a year ago. I really should have put a link up sooner to it but now is better then never. Rob I think this video is right up your alley, one because its a novice film, like what your getting in to, and then of course the second reason is because it Star Wars like. Oh, I would suggest downloading QuickTime Alternative for this one. So that you can view it in full screen, which you may or may not know that you can't do in the freeware version of QuickTime. You can download QT ALT in my Cool DLs link. You can download Art Of The Saber in the Funny/Cool Clips section.

Tomorrow night Dan, Amanda, Amber and I are going to be going on a double date sort of thing. We are just going to the movies. But it should be lots of fun!

Tuesday the 26th I'm taking my car in to finally get the drivers side window fixed. It hasn't worked since early fall.

See you, Space Cowboy.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Mudvayne Wrap Up

After listening to the album the whole way through a couple of times, I do enjoy it overall. It's always weird to listen to a new CD and everything your going to hear seems like such a mystery. You have no clue what you are about to walk in to, will you like it, or will you yearn for the good all days. Even though L.D. 50 is still my favorite album. Going back to the same old would be boring and no show in evolution. I give this album a 8 out of 10. Although Mudvayne overall in general will always get a 10 from me.

I also have added a few new videos. One is a funny ass prank call and the other is some hardcore Rugby Shots.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The After Seinfeld Special

Aren't these the coolest sheep ever! Just wanted to share them with you. If you couldn't tell this is what I have for my desktop. They are hilarious, especially the white ones eyebrows.

Well that was another great episode of Seinfeld. That show never gets old. I think that the fourth season comes out this May, I could be wrong though. I do know that Appleseed comes out May 10th which rocks. Such a good Anime movie.

Speaking of Anime's Amanda and I finished the movie Akira today. I had already seen this movie but she hadn't. I did understand it a lot more this time around for sure and I like it a lot more now too. The first time I watched it, it was a little confusing plus I was tired, so that didn't help.

Next weekend Amanda, Rob, Dan, Lydia and I are going to be heading up to the Villisca House, that should be really cool. I have been wanting to go there since our first try, that failed due to the mother fucking deer. Damn you Bambi! (Shakes fist at air.)

June 18th through the 24th I am going to be going to Florida with Amanda for her graduation gift! It's going to be a blast we're going to like 5 different amusement parks and all I have to pay for is food basically. This summer is going to rock!

That's about it, I'm going to add two more videos for you. The first one is of these kids trying to get his car out of the snow and it doesn't turn out to well for him. I love this clip. The other one is of, well just go look at it. It's entertaining.

Fact For YOU: They used to use a certain flower pedal in Amsterdam for their currency. I wonder if that was easy to counterfeit. Hmmmmmmm.


It finally came out! I have been waiting for this album for what seems like an eternity! Amanda and I went and purchased it at Super T this morning and then went out and ate lunch. So far I have only listened to half of it. It is quite decent thus far. It does put a lot of their last two albums together in a way. You can hear sounds that remind you of L.D. 50 but mostly its more like their last album. Which is not a bad thing at all. Okay well Sienfeld is coming on soon, so I am going to watch that and then come back with another post and then I have to do some homework.

Monday, April 11, 2005

She's On Fire...

This Saturday night was definitely one of the best party nights I have had in a long time! So much stuff happened. It was hilarious! Here I will give you the rundown of some of the funny shit that happened, that I can remember. First off, Dan had some Chili Beers which if you have ever tried makes you wonder who the hell can actually drink these things! They are in no way beer tasting, it taste like you put a billion fire sauce packets in your mouth all at once! That's only with one sip mind you. So, Dan decided he would pay anyone $10 dollars if they would chug this "beer". No one would do it. Until one young lady stood up(Sam) and was like "Damn $10 bucks, hell yeah I'll do it!" Boy did she ever to. I could not believe it. And if you can't either I have it on tape. Okay, other highlights we're Amanda and Katie sexy dancing for us, for a bit. Dan threw off his cup and chair off his balcony, man I couldn't stop laughing after that! I pissed off Justin(so he left, so he wouldn't "throw me off the deck"), dude I was just messin' with ya, take off the skirt and throw some shots back at me. Don't just take the abuse man. It's all part of the game. Hmmmm, So many people we're there, even Harold and Kumar! LOL, that was good shit. One last thing that I thought was funny was that Dan passed out on the Foos Ball table! I have a picture of that too! That was a lot of went down, there's a lot more stuff too but I don't want to write a novel. Okay I'm out.

"My name is Buck, and I'm here to fuck."

Friday, April 08, 2005

Sore, So So Sore

Amanda and I have been working out a whole lot lately and man are my chest and arms sore! I haven't felt this in so long. Even though they are sore though, I am happy because it just reminds me I'm getting back into gear. Too long have I been lazy.

Not to much has been up lately. I have been thinking of getting a real bed that's nice and soft. But I think that I shall still wait until I move out to get a new one. I do wish that I could blast a hole in my wall so that I would have a window in my room. I get so tired in my room without a window.

I'm watching Dan's parents Dogs right now. They are a crazy couple, always having to give Cobe his Epilepsy medicine and Kelsey is just Kelsey enough said there. Dudley is a hoot though, I swear he becomes more human like every day.

Took another walk last night with Dan, it was a brisk night and we came across a man who called himself Randy, he wanted money. Sadly, we had none for him. That's when he pulled the knife. I felt my heart drop like a rock, "this is it," I thought, "this is all that's left in life, this one last look at the moon through the shimmering knife." But BAM Spider-Man came and saved us both! Thank you Spider-Man! I will never forget that kiss we shared, you all being upside and all. Wow what a night!

Moving on, I added a few Funny Clips. I never really liked the Star Wars kid but this clip does make me chuckle. Also, there is a crazy, crazy weatherman that I just wondered how he has kept his job this long. I wish our weatherman was like him though.

Don't forget kids, kiss Spider-Man, he did save your life after all.

P.S. I've lost my mind!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Photo Album

I'm working on getting a photo album together just of new pictures and such. It's really nothing right now but I'm going to put a link to it on the side bar under a new section called pictures. Enjoy! Oh and I will let you know when I update it.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Hello Is The Name, Hello Is The Game

Trying out a new adding picture program. Man does this movie rock!

Love Me Two Times, I've Gone Away

Yesterday, was Amanda and I's 5th Month, I have got to say this is definitely the healthiest relationship I have ever been in. Not to mention the best relationship I have ever been in. It's nice never having to worry about if she is going to be pissed at me for something that I do. She loves me for who I am and that's the way it always should be.

This weekend was really cool. It started off Friday night by going to a Keg party. Amanda and I only stayed for a little bit seeing how I couldn't drink that night, due to going to school the next day. It was an interesting little party though. They had a big McDonald's M in their living room which I thought was pretty funny. Saturday, Amanda and I went to see Sin City which I have been dying to see since I had seen the first preview. I had glanced through the graphic novels of them before but never sat down and read them though. I probably would have if I was rich and able to buy them that day. Anyway, it was an awesome movie. I loved how it was such dry talk. 1930's movie talk, if you will. It had some dry humor as well. The movie was well put together everything zipped up nice and neatly at the end. After the movie we went to Mike's girlfriends house and partied with them. It was a blast! It's fun to get tore up with them. Sunday was more of a relaxing day just watched a movie over at Amanda's house then we sat outside in her backyard looking upon the forest at night.

Well as of last night Dan and I went for a long ass walk. I love doing that with him in the summer we never seem to run out of things to talk about. Always a blast.

Today so far I woke up and was disappointed that it was not sunny. Oh well. I vacuumed and cleaned out the inside of my car. I also lit an incense in there so now it will smell nice and pretty. Later today Amanda and I are going to go work out at 24.

That's it, that's all he wrote.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Everything Is A Okay!

So Dan made it with his life out of the Dentist office. Glad to hear it, hope you heal up quickly Dan. Last nights party was great man, they always are though.

Rob, I would just like to thank you for being such a great friend. I love you to man. I wouldn't change a damn thing about you. You have always impressed me with your creativity. I only wish that I could come up with some the of the graphical images you pull out of your mind.

Mike your hilarious man. Keep up the good work. Loved the T-shirt saying you did. LMAO!

I got to go to work here soon. Man that sucks.

So there is a Toga Kegger tonight at my friends, unfortunately I won't be able to attend due to having both school and work tomorrow. Oh well, maybe I'll just stop by and say hi.

The Zoo was awesome a few days ago. It's always a riot when The Fantastic Four get together(Rob, Lydia, Amanda and I). The armadillo was the highlight for sure. He was walking backwards like a bumper car goes backwards. It was fanfuckingtastic.

Okay not much to say today. Jesse it was great to see you man, your going to have to come by more often.

See you, Space Cowboy.